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Frédéric Rodrigo 30min

Twitter OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap France Quality Assurance

Osmose QA, is a quality assurance tool detecting errors and inconsistencies in OpenStreetMap data. Osmose QA is one of the largest sets of QA rules applied to OpenStreetMap data. It’s also one of the most functional tools of this kind : proposed corrections, localized checks (like language or driving side), API, online editor, help for OpenData integration and so forth.

This tool is made up of a web front end and many backends for checking countries. Backends analyze data and report errors, with PostGIS, Sax and OpenData integration. The frontend displays errors on a slippy map, offers an API and export functionality.

The world coverage for analyzis is still growing, and since spring, Osmose QA is also available for the United States.

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